Pulmonary Hypertension Unit

Pulmonary Hypertension Association Ireland

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Prof Gaine honoured by Irish Cardiac Society

Prof Sean Gaine has been awarded an honorary fellowship by the Irish Cardiac Society – FICS (Fellow of the Irish Cardiac Society – honorary). This award is bestowed on individuals who are deemed by the selection committee to have made an exceptional contribution to the Profession of Cardiology in Ireland. The award ceremony took place in the beautiful Great Hall at Queens University Belfast. The President of the ICS, Prof Pascal McKeown, and past President, Prof Vincent Maher, presided over the ceremony.

Prof Gaine commented that he was deeply grateful for the recognition: “As a Respiratory Physician it is particularly humbling to receive such an award”, and he thanked his cardiology colleagues nationally for supporting the growth in the diagnosis and improved outcomes for patients with Pulmonary Hypertension in Ireland.